Hyper Light Drifter’s story reveals two kinds of audience

I consider Hyper Light Drifter an absolute masterpiece in terms of game feel, art, design, and sound—and a lot of people would agree with me. But upon release, the online community was divided in two over the game’s narrative. What’s going on here? Why can’t these two camps see eye-to-eye?

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How Fire Emblem: Fates deals with contradictions in gameplay and narrative

Books and movies can make you suspend your disbelief as long as the narrative is consistent. You’ll believe in witches and magic for an hour or two, as long as those witches don’t break their own rules. Video games, however, have to deal with another set of rules before the player can suspend their disbelief and become fully immersed in the world: gameplay.

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Game Log 1: What Designers can Learn from the First Few Hours of Pokémon SoulSilver

So I just started designing an indie game and I thought it would be neat to publish my game logs. Basically, I'm playing the first few hours of a video game each week and commenting on the game's design. So feel free to join me every week as I discover how games work! First up is...

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Video Games and You

The media have been going back and forth on the issue of video games for years now. Do they make people violent, or do they provide therapeutic relief for people with bounds of pent-up aggression? Are video games a fledgling art form, or just a mindless diversion? Do games rot the brain, or improve its capacity to learn?

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